Big Finish Folly – On the Move!

It’s been quiet for a while, but just in case you were worried about the state of my magnificently quixotic crusade to listen – in as chronological order as possible – to the recorded audio output of the 5th-8th Doctors from Big Finish, fret not and worry no more!

For, y’see, this brief hiatus has given me the opportunity to port all the existing reviews over to a dedicated blog, leaving this one free for non-Who related stuff. Though if you’d like to keep following the musings, ramblings and occasional punkish snerts of this here writer of Epic Fantasies and Tall Tales, I’d be most humbly grateful.

Meanwhile, going forward, all new Big Finish Folly content (as well as all previous reviews) can now be found at – surprisingly enough – I look forward to seeing you there!



On Hiatus

Not pictured: Michael Grade cutting the budget…

Good gosh, is it really a whole month since the last instalment of Big Finish Folly? I guess that means we’re officially On Hiatus, just like the Sixth Doctor found himself when the BBC (and the revisionist Michael Grade – “I did it for its own good, not because I hated SF & Colin Baker”¹ – yeah, right…) had a hissy fit in ’85. Oh the timing…

Never fear, however. Just because I’m spreading myself far too thin between different projects doesn’t mean that BFF won’t get started up again. I’ll be back before you know it.

No caption required…

Meanwhile, to keep you company, here’s a random picture of a troll. This one thinks it’s Nick Drake. Strange thing.

¹Note to lawyers: that’s not a direct quote; that’s a summing-up of a paragraph at this page.

There is no dark side of the moon…

Big Finish Folly, Part 55a – 1963: The Space Race, by Jonathan Morris

Vostok 7 was an eight day manned flight that was originally planned for the last quarter of 1963. Opposition by the Soviet Ministry of Defence led to it being cancelled, only to be resurrected and scheduled for June 1964. Finally all further Vostok flights were cancelled in favor of the multi-manned Voskhod in February 1964. But there’s more to the story than that – as the Doctor and Peri discover when they arrive in Kazakhstan in November ’63, just in time to witness Vostok 7’s return to the Earth. Get ready for espionage, murder, black holes, and an American base on the dark side of the moon… and a shocking discovery that the Doctor is not going to Laika… Continue reading There is no dark side of the moon…

On the beach…

Big Finish Folly, Part 86 – The Sandman, by Simon A Forward

The Clutch – a travelling, interstellar market. Thousands of starships linked together in an ever-shifting mass, watched over by the nomadic Galyari. But the Galyari have a secret: The Sandman, an ancient, terrible foe who eats their young, takes their skins, and who threatens to destroy them all. And, wouldn’t you know it, here he comes now, laughing, baiting, in his coat of far too many colours… hello, Doctor… Continue reading On the beach…